Home Improvement

Natural Grass Vs. Synthetic Grass 


A lawn, either natural or synthetic, serves as a garden feature that keeps commercial spaces fresh and attractive. Since it normally is used in sports grounds for recreational activities, preserving its natural value and aesthetic is crucial. Thus, when searching for the best lawn for your outdoor landscape, you often consider its benefits. 

Perhaps, choosing between natural or artificial turf in your outdoor space can be a big challenge. You probably consider several factors including, affordability, maintenance, aesthetics, and durability, to keep your investment valuable. So, to help decide, here are some of its differences. 

Total Cost 

In natural grass, purchasing equipment and supplies for mowing, cutting, and fertilizing is necessary to keep the pure greenery texture of the grass. Thus, the cost of its regular maintenance like reseeding can be higher than artificial grass installation as it needs great care to preserve its natural appearance and value. 

In contrast, synthetic grass is less expensive due to its slightest maintenance. Thus, the cost of fertilizer for the removal of pesticides is not required to keep its look fresh for long periods. 


For natural grass, seasonal issues like drought can affect the richly green texture of pure grass. Once it begins to tear and wear, doing regular mowing is necessary to prevent mottled grass.

In artificial grass, the actual color, height, and texture remain constant regardless of seasonal weather. Its durability and resistance to any tear can keep the grass fresh even after doing small sports activities.

Water Usage 

For natural grass, regular watering of lawn is critical to preserve the pure aesthetic of grass. Its estimated water consumption ranges from 150,000 gallons a year to have a healthy turf for your outdoor space. 

Moreover, in synthetic grass, watering is only needed for cleaning any pet waste and odors. Also, minimal use of water to remove the dust and specks of dirt from grass is required. 


For natural turf, the need for regular watering and monitoring of weeds to ensure that lawns have enough nutrients to stay lush and green is critical. Thus, relying on a professional to do the complex works to maintain healthy grass must be considered. 

In contrast, artificial grass only needs little care and effort. Mostly, it requires watering and brushing to eliminate any organic clutter found in grass to keep its look fresh. 

Natural grass and synthetic grass are viable options. Yet, your lawn choice will vary based on your financial resources. If you think of having artificial turf solutions in your commercial space, We at Easy Turf can offer the best lawn for you! 

Contact us today by calling 1800 327 988 for more information.


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