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Venetian blinds, which employ horizontal rotating slats to limit the amount of light entering a room, are a popular product. But did you know that, according to popular belief, Venetian blinds did not originate in Venice? The straightforward answer is no. Venetian blinds do not originate in Venice. In reality, they are unlikely to have originated in Italy.

With increased commerce and migration between Italy and the rest of the world in the 18th century, the spread of ‘Venetian blinds started.

Venetian traders found the wall coverings while trading in the East and brought them back to Venice and Paris. Even now, the French refer to Venetian blinds as “Les Persienes,” and they are proud of their origins. They were popular window coverings throughout Europe after their debut in 1760.

The blinds were reportedly introduced in France and were quickly followed by introductions in England and America. Nevertheless, this slatted blind design was not invented in the 18th century. Venetian blinds were merely’ rebranded’ by the individuals of Venice, rather than invented by them.

There are several ideas about the genuine origins of Venetian blinds. Several believe they originated in Italy as a result of commerce with Persian merchants in southern Asia. Other versions, meanwhile, trace Venetian blinds back to Ancient Egypt, when they initially sewed reeds into slats to give shade from the sun.

Venetian blinds were introduced to the rest of the globe to great acclaim. The invention of slatted blinds brought favorable light control to Western dwellings and rapidly became a coveted feature for every well-off family and office manager. They were not, however, confined to the rich. Venetian blinds were an excellent choice for people of all socioeconomic backgrounds due to their low cost. Following the original reintroduction of slatted blinds to the globe, new blind designs began to appear and be sold.

Venetian blinds were initially introduced in the United States by John Webster. The blinds were soon adopted by America’s upper society, and they were erected in many governments and public office buildings.

The Japanese and Chinese are also known for creating a type of Venetian blind made of bamboo slats. Others attribute this exquisite window covering to Persia (modern-day Iran). Whatever the reality is, it appears that the expansion in international trade brought items like slatted blinds from Asia and the Middle East to cities like Venice in the 1700s. Some claim that liberated Persian slaves traveling from Venice to France contributed to the dissemination of Venetian blind knowledge.

In comparison to today’s slender, wooden, fake wood, or metal Venetian blinds, early styles introduced to the west in the 18th century had broad, flat slats.

Venetian blinds with natural textures have been the most widely used type for homes in the formative days of their debut in America. Nevertheless, as the century progressed, white or stone-colored blinds became more beautiful and appealing.

Plastic slats were popular in businesses and houses throughout the 1960s. By the twenty-first century, more conventional wooden Venetian blinds had returned to popularity, with some even including wider slat patterns.


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